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Claude is the AI interface for using Anthropic's Models

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Claude is an AI assistant created by Anthropic that can help with a variety of tasks like writing, analysis, math, and more. Some key features of Claude include:

  • Powerful language models (Claude 3 family) that provide instant access to knowledge on every subject
  • Ability to remember previous conversations and continue discussions, like a knowledgeable friend
  • Transparent about when it can't provide a suitable answer
  • Available as a free chatbot at claude.ai and as a paid Pro plan with higher usage limits
  • Designed to be reliable, accurate and helpful, with a focus on AI safety

Claude is a strong competitor to ChatGPT, with some advantages like a 100K token input limit, a unique "constitution" approach to AI ethics, and free access to a very capable model (Claude 3.5 Sonnet). It excels at tasks like summarization, Q&A, decision-making and code generation.

The latest release, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, sets new benchmarks for reasoning, knowledge and coding ability, while operating at 2x the speed of previous models. It shows marked improvements in grasping nuance, humor and complex instructions.

Claude is available via Anthropic's API, Amazon Bedrock, Google Cloud's Vertex AI, and as a free chatbot at claude.ai. Pricing starts at $3 per million input tokens and $15 per million output tokens.

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